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Egypt wins outsourcing destination of the year award

Egypt wins outsourcing destination of the year award


The Global sourcing association (GSA) chose Egypt to win the award of outsourcing destination of the year 2016 award Without all its competitors from Sri Lanka, Belarus and Fiji Whereas Egypt have highly skilled, multi-lingual workforce as 90,000 Egyptians work in sourcing and 50,000 of those for overseas markets.

The 7th version of the GSA European awards ceremony was held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Costs in Egypt are also significantly lower than other offshore destinations. So it represents a strong offshore outsourcing market.

Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) was praised by several investors for supporting and developing Egyptian IT skills and potential.

The Global sourcing association aims to share practices, trends and connections among businesses, bringing the global business community closer together in an interactive manner.